We’re really, really proud of our new bags. Our previous bags had a good ride, but it was time to refresh our brand and change the way we present our coffee to the world.
We have two styles of bags that represent a different set of coffees. The three “hills” bags with set names for the coffees, and the “white” bags with coffees named after their producers. First, let’s talk about design and feel. The design is inspired by Japanese line art. The waviness of the lines are meant to be a bit abstract with a nod to mountainous landscapes, akin to where coffee is grown. The colours were chosen very methodically to closely match colour theory and how it relates to flavour perception. Finally the texture - this was really important to us - to find a material that felt a bit more connected to the product and less … “plasticky”. In these bags, you’ll find all our coffees in our year-round lineup.
In the year-round offering, all the coffees are organized by taste profile. As an example, Honey Heist is a filter coffee that will mostly have notes in the family of honey, almonds, dried fruits and light citrus. Although the coffees we use in Honey Heist will change throughout the year, the profile will be very similar throughout. The same can be said about all of the coffees in this lineup. Once you find a coffee profile you love, you can trust us to deliver consistently delicious coffee all year round under the same name. In this lineup, you'll also find the coffees separated by espresso, filter (for regular brewing) and decaf (can be used for both espresso and filter).
If you want to know how to transition from our current lineup to the new coffees, check out this article.
Alright, what about the “white” bags with the funky labels?
The coffee in the white bags are simply our favourite coffees. This is a curated lineup of short-run coffees dedicated to showcasing the best work from our celebrated producing partners. These coffees will be proudly named with the producer who grew the coffee, along with essential details behind each coffee. These coffees feature omniroasts that are optimized for filter brewing, but can also be used for espresso (see our recommended parameters).
Each bag in this lineup will have a different label, customized for that specific coffee. This is why the white bag is so plain, it’s meant to act as a canvas for the rotating art that will represent these coffees.
So how do I choose?
If you want awesome coffee and are drawn to a more consistent taste profile and want us to do most of the lifting for your selection, stick to your favourite profile on one of the "hills" bags.
If you’re into coffee and want to explore some of the best representations of a super wide range of coffees, from washed Caturras to double fermented Geishas, you should check out the white bags. Even though these are top tier coffees, there’s always a bag that will suit anyone’s budget.
Of course, we will continue to release our Uncommon Collection tins, showcasing the best of the best. Sorry, the tins only fit one budget.