- Filter
Evin Herrera Washed Pacas
Evin has done it again! His varieties and growing conditions are incredible and his coffee has got better and better every year. This is a classic representation of the fruit character and juiciness of pacas grown in El Cielito. This is a fully washed coffee by traditional open-tank fermentation.
This omniroast has been optimized for filter, but a well trained barista will definitely be able to pull tasty shots with it.
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This coffee comes from the best tasting daylots of Evin Herrera. This is our fourth year working directly with Evin after working with him through his dad Margarito, for many years prior.
Margarito Herrera started this whole thing, and now his two sons Evin and Kevin have taken over the show. Every harvest, I go to Honduras and cup every single daylot from every producer we work with. This is a lot of work, but allows me to find standout daylots that I want to separate and showcase what these producers have to offer. The trouble is that sometimes these daylots are tiny, making it impractical to release it as a coffee, so this is where blending comes in handy!
The coffee went through similar processing - depulped the same day it was picked, and fermented for 36-40 hours. The coffee was all dried at Margarito’s house, where he has shaded raised beds - the best way to dry!
Over the past few years, Evin has really come into his own - overhauling his farm management practices, adding QC steps to his processing and consistently investing in his farm. He has done well - his coffee has improved to become a consistent standout and his extra income has been reinvested into acquiring more land and planting more coffee. His future is very bright and I am proud to have played a small part in his development. When I met him, he was a teenager who helped his dad at the farm when he was needed - now he has embraced the transition and is shining in a leading role. It’s so cool to see!
We (Phil & Seb) have a small farm in Honduras and Evin (along with his brother Kevin) are our partners in trying to get that project off the ground. It’s been very challenging because of the growing conditions at the elevation of the farm - they are harsh and unfriendly to new coffee. But if we succeed in getting it off the ground, the coffee in that farm will be totally out of this world!